Medium Duty Conveyor Belt Cleaner is highly effective in challenging service conditions to remove carry-back from the conveyor system. High-performing belt cleaners effectively keep conveyor belts clean, eliminating carryback and enhancing both the safety and productivity of conveyor systems.
Design Features of Conveyor Belt Cleaners
• Increased Profitability:
By eliminating carryback, belt cleaners reduce fugitive material, minimizing the need for costly cleanup and maintenance.
• Less Material Loss:
Belt cleaners scrape the belts clean at the head pulley, preventing carryback and ensuring that bulk materials move efficiently through transfer points or into containers.
• Longer-Lasting Conveyor Equipment:
Carryback often ends up inside the conveyor system, damaging rollers, idlers, and causing belts to wander or fray. Conveyor belt cleaners help protect these components, extending their lifespan.
• Lower Energy Costs:
When material sticks to the belt after the head pulley, the added weight forces equipment to work harder, increasing energy consumption. Clean belts reduce this strain, lowering energy costs.
• Safer Work Environment:
Fugitive material can accumulate under the belt, creating slip hazards for workers. Additionally, uncontained dust can lead to respiratory issues or ignite, posing serious safety risks.
• Reduced Dust Problems:
Fugitive dust, often caused by material falling from the belt, is minimized with effective belt cleaning, improving air quality and reducing potential dust hazards.
Industry Applications For Conveyor Belt Cleaners:
Coal Mining and Processing
Coal Fired Power Plants
Recycling and Waste Management
Smelters and Foundries
Our polyurethane belt cleaner design delivers consistent cleaning efficiency throughout the blade's lifespan. The unique horizontal sipes and wear-grooves across the entire width of the cleaning edge, combined with the arc-shaped backside of the blade, ensure a sharp and effective cleaning edge for optimal performance.